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DbI Information Officer Report

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Board and Management Committee of DbI continues to be pleased with CDBA’s management of its Information Program, through myself and supported by President Carolyn Monaco, Tom McFadden and Paul Nobes. This program includes supporting the production of two editions of the magazine annually, travel to DbI meetings and conferences, and supporting the website and social media activities by IT specialist Paul Nobes.

Producing the magazine includes soliciting and editing articles, formatting the magazine’s layout, submitting the design and articles to the graphic designer, arranging for proofreading before final publication, selecting the printer, and providing the mailing list (which is assembled by the DbI Secretariat) for final distribution.

The DbI Treasury provided CDBA with $43,00 (€30,500) to support the program for the fiscal year 2017-2018.

Thank you to CDBA’s Executive Director Tom McFadden for submitting the annul invoice to the DbI Treasurer for the funding to support this program, by paying the various bills for producing the magazine and for the Information Officers fees and expenses.

Currently CDBA is on an open ended contract with DbI based on the following termination clause: “Either DbI or CDBA may opt out of this agreement and must give at least one year’s notice of any intention to end this agreement. A shorter time period will be considered in extenuating circumstances.”


DbI Review

For the reporting year, April 2017 through March 2018, Editions 59 and 60 of DbI Review were produced and distributed to the DbI Membership during this reporting period. Costs details were as follows:


DbI Review

Final DbI Review Costs for Edition 59 (July 2017) and Edition 60 (January 2018)

Pertaining to DbI Fiscal Year 2017.


  Graphic Design Printing Distribution Total
Edition 59

July 2017


€1865 ($3300) €1750 ($3100)

621 copies

€1075 ($1900) €4690 ($8300)
Edition 59

July 2017 Spanish

€960 ($1700) N/A N/A


€960 ($1700)
Edition 60

January 2018


€ 1930($3400)



€1725 ($3050)


635 copies

€ 1650 ($2650)


€5305 ($9100)
Edition 60

January 2018



Not completed to date





Total €4755 ($8400)


€3475 ($6150)


€ 2725 ($4550)


€10955 ($19100)



Other Printing:

DbI funds allocated were also used to print and distribute 200 copies (Total $1600) of CHARGE Monograph edited by Dr. Jude Nicholas.


DbI Website

A totally revised DbI website after much work through the efforts of Paul Nobes, went online in the autumn of 2017.


Social Media

Social media continues to be a very active means of communicating with our supporters, utilizing Facebook and Twitter. Facebook is still far and away is the most active social media channel with over 2200 likes recently reported.

DbI has taken on a new support person (Graciela Ferioli, from Argentina) to develop a more active social media program for DbI.


Strategic Planning

The DbI Board approved their new DbI Strategic Plan covering the period 2015-2019 at its meeting in August 2016, in Orlando. The plan consists of three Strategic Priorities: Diversity, Sharing Knowledge and Social Media/ Information Technology. Taking on the new social media person (Graciela Ferioli) satisfies one of DbI’s three Strategic Priorities.

CDBA National President Carolyn Monaco continues to be DbI’s Strategic Planning Leader on the DbI Board and Mancom.


DbI Information Officer activities during the period April 2017 – March 2018:

  • Produced DbI Review editions 59 and 60.
  • Participated in the DbI Board and Mancom meetings as well as attending the DbI European Conference in Aalborg Denmark during the period September 02-09, 2017.


Budget Comments

According to my budget tracking, the DbI IO program came in at over $5,000 under DbI’s budget allocation.


Submitted by:

Stan Munroe

September 17, 2018[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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