Federal Accessibility Legislation Alliance (FALA)
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In June, Bill C-81 was introduced in the Canadian House of Commons. Also known as the Accessible Canada Act, this was the first-ever proposed national legislation of its kind. This bill affects all Canadians – and especially people with disabilities.
Over a 10-month period (May 2018-March 2019), more than 50 non-profit, Canadian organizations are working together, and with the Government of Canada, to ensure there is strong, effective federal accessibility legislation. Together, we are known as the Federal Accessibility Legislation Alliance (FALA). Led by Spinal Cord Injury Canada, the FALA Leadership Team consists of the following organizations:
- British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
- Canadian Association of the Deaf – Association des Sourds du Canada
- Communication Disabilities Access Canada
- Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
- Council of Canadians with Disabilities
- Native Women’s Association of Canada
Here’s what we have been doing so far:
After the first draft of Bill C-81 was introduced in the House of Commons in June, we wanted to better understand it. So, we had a team of lawyers, all who understand disability really well, look at it. They compared the recommendations we made when the bill was being created with what is actually in the first draft of legislation. The lawyer team has made further recommendations. In truth, it is a pretty good bill. But it can be better.
We know it is important that people understand Bill C-81. Legal wording and the length of the bill can make it hard to read. We have developed a short, plain language version for sharing.
Later in September, we will have a survey asking people about their insights and perspectives on Bill C-81. We want to know what you think is important in the bill. What is the impact the proposed legislation will have on your life? The information we get from people’s answers will be sorted in an anonymous way. It will be shared with our memberships and used to advise the government on how they can change the draft legislation to make it as strong as possible.
All of these resources will be shared on our website: include-me.ca. In fact, we will have lots of resources about Bill C-81 on our site, so please visit. You can sign up for our updates right on our home page. Also, follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @includemeca so you know the latest progress on making this draft legislation a reality.
Twitter Posts
Please follow us @includemeca and like and RT our posts
Our hashtag is #MyCanadaIncludesMe
Sample tweets:
#BillC-81 #AccessibleCanadaAct Understand how it affects you. Together we can make the legislation stronger. Visit: www.include-me.ca #access #inclusion #MyCanadaIncludesMe
Tired of barriers? Want to contribute to real change? Follow what the Federal Accessibility Legislation Alliance is doing. #AccessibleCanadaAct #BillC-81 #MyCanadaIncludesMe #Access #Inclusion
Be a contribution citizen. Keep your opinions handy. Share them with the Federal Accessibility Legislation Alliance: www.include-me.ca @includemeca #MyCanadaIncludesMe
Facebook Posts
Please follow us at @includemeca and like, comment and share our posts.
Sample posts:
What is Bill C-81, also known as the Accessible Canada Act, all about? Legal wording and the length of the bill can make it hard to read. The Federal Accessibility Legislation Alliance (FALA) has developed resources including a plain language version of the bill. They’ve collected other resources, too. They are a hub of Bill C-81 information! Check out the website to keep informed.
Regular updates from the Federal Accessibility Legislation Alliance (FALA) will keep you on top of Bill C-81. Also known as the Accessible Canada Act, this proposed legislation is important to all Canadians, and especially people with disabilities. Find out about the bill and how you can have an impact on making the proposed legislation stronger – and a reality. Visit our website.
Thanks everyone. We will be in touch again, soon.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]