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New National Occupation Code

  • Paul
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New National Occupation Code for Role of Intervenor


The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) invested in a collaboration with organizations that provide Intervenor Services from 2015 – 2018.  The goals for this initiative, the Intervenor Services Human Resources Strategy (ISHRS), included professionalizing Intervenor Services, increasing the availability of highly skilled staff and improving the quality of Intervenor Services delivery to adults with deafblindness in Ontario.

The strategy developed a distinct set of behavioural and technical competencies that are separate from the developmental services sector. These competencies were identified as critical to professional success for intervenors. The ISHRS also created best practices in human resource metrics to guide performance measurement, and support a professional code of ethics, recognized across the sector. The behavioural and technical competencies line up with MCCSS’ Interim Intervenor Services Framework goals.

One of the significant next steps identified through the ISHRS was to boost the recruitment and retention efforts of the Intervenor Services sector by applying (July 2017) for a new National Occupational Code (NOC) through Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Statistics Canada. On September 21, 2021, ESDC and Statistics Canada released NOC code 42203, which now includes “intervenor” and “deafblind intervenor” roles: https://noc.esdc.gc.ca/. We offer a special note of appreciation to Ms. Sarah Vanduzer (previously Manager, Services for the Community, MCCSS) for her recommendation to pursue this new NOC code.

This new code will support greater awareness about professional intervenors and serve to reinforce the value of the role. It will also offer an opportunity for more students, job seekers, people investigating a second career choice and New Canadians to learn about this unique and rewarding option.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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